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Classic Doctor Who | Full Length Reaction | 1x21 | The Sea of Death | Dude Does Doctor Who

Classic Doctor Who | Full Length Reaction | 1x22 | The Velvet Web | Dude Does Doctor Who

Classic Doctor Who | Full Length Reaction | 1x23 | The Screaming Jungle | Dude Does Doctor Who



Ian Smith

I may have somewhat misunderstood your announcement at the start of this vid; but Marco Polo does not visually exist in any form except as still photographs accompanied by the soundtrack,as it is one of the many missing stories/episodes which you will encounter throughout the first 6 series. Personally,though,I'm rather relieved that you didn't react to it;as I feel you should only react to episodes that actually exist - either as original material,or officially approved animated reconstructions (the first of which you'll encounter in the final story of series 1).