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WATCH HERE: https://box.com/shared/static/4jln9xplyokwwufumkbsmfmjpyv56o7f.mp4

Beth and Jerry go on a getaway, and tell Morty than he can't go on more adventures if the house isn't in perfect condition when they return, which would be fine if Summer and Rick didn't wanna throw a rager. Mackenzie and Kyle watch the Season 1 finale!




Due to so legal warnings we’ve already received, we had no choice but to do some of our series as Watch Alongs. We do not find it ideal, but we’d rather do that then nothing at all.


Okay thanks I was just curious about that. It's not that big of deal because you atleast include the sound.


Of course! Sorry, things got mixed up on our end, but just know it’s coming very soon. 🙂👍🏻