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2x02: https://box.com/shared/static/jdh8glqdwylcc1kb7o469m3ajeboh56c.mp4

2x03: https://box.com/shared/static/2xk2g9pc432huiw306qtuyy0uwmz7ja5.mp4

2x04: https://box.com/shared/static/22kg0cxrfulmu951dktjj62dozyp4ish.mp4

Holly and Missy continue their timey-wimey journey to catch up to the Matt Smith era!




Sarah Jane was usually called Sarah back in the classic series (she was with the 3rd Doctor when he regenerated and stayed with the 4th Doctor for a while after that). At one point the 5th Doctor was travelling with a human, and two humanoid aliens of different species!

David Blau

Fun fact: Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who. Loving this run of episodes and the triple shot makes it even better!