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Mackenzie and Kyle watch as the special two-part wedding finale concludes Season 2.



Jeff Spencer

All hail our queen, may the hive rule supreme forever. ahh one of my favorite season enders but this kinda made me disappointed with the shows way of dealing with villains. you get a great villain and within the two parter they are beaten never to be dealt with again, if they would of done away with this quick solution I feel the show could have done so much more with the villains we see. but ya know how it is show for kids gotta have the quick solution. but still love the shows choice in villains from ______ to ______ I mean come on who wouldn't agree how awesome they where. can't wait for season 3 you are gonna freak out at the season 3 ender villain. freaking pure evil boss.

David Blau

I've been waiting for this reaction, and it didn't disappoint! I agree with the Fans about weddings being these huge events. I don't think it's fair to put such huge expectations on a couple who are, by the nature of the ceremony, just getting started on their "official" life together. It's interesting how Chrysalis was a "bridezilla" while Cadence was laid back and enjoyed the preparations, especially when you recall the target audience. And if Kyle ever gets married, I'd totally be down for the reception! Onward to season 3! It's short on episodes, but long on plot. See you in the next episode!