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While in the hospital, Rainbow Dash discovers the world of reading books, but gets nervous her friends might think she's a nerd... Mackenzie and Kyle watch on!

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://box.com/s/moo8sjaw1dpcu8ken1bsrbk2avagrqla




I continue to love the reactions! Keep up the good work. Y'all are awesome, stay awesome! As for the villainous Ahuizotl creature from the Daring Do stories -- he appears to be an Ahuizotl: a legendary creature from Aztec mythology said to resemble a dog with monkey-like hands on its arms and the end of its tail. It had a bit of a reputation for grabbing and drowning people after luring them near to the watery caves where it preferred to live. The word Ahuizotl translates from the Aztec language as "spiny aquatic thing" or (very loosely translated) as water-dog -- apparently because its fur would bunch up like spikes or spines when it got wet. Or so the legends say!

David Blau

One of my favorites, I love Daring Do! Action! Adventure! Eggheads! Lol.


That's incredible! Sometimes I feel like such a newb myself on this show. There's just SO MANY Easter eggs!!! Thank you for sharing!! <3 <3