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UPDATED DOWNLOAD LINK: https://app.box.com/shared/static/ezu2bhhzsifuucvp66kwqx9dz7avi7ej.mp4

// Disclaimer // Through the first half of the new Fall season of each show, you may notice some changes in sets or on-screen layouts, and/or the occasional technical bump. Thanks for your patience with any new growing pains from our new studios and equipment. We are always tweaking things to bring you as high of quality of content in as timely of a manner as possible. :)


When the TARDIS crew lands on planet Messaline, the Doctor is forced to place his hand in a progenation machine, creating his "daughter" Jenny! Then the whole group is thrust in a war between two factions over something on the planet called "The Source". Join your Gallifrey Gals as they watch "The Doctor's Daughter"!


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Jason L

Can I just say; Kat, it is adorable that you still cry after having seen this multiple times. Absolutely a true Whovian. You guys were a lot of fun on this one. Just wondering, are you going to be including the 5 specials in this season of reacting? Or are you planning to do those episodes later?

MacKenzie Donnelly

Between Sophia Myles (Madame de Pompadour) and Georgia Moffet it seems that David Tennant has a type