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UPDATED DOWNLOAD LINK: https://app.box.com/shared/static/5kxvplb6820kdfa0deq42t4xruygscf1.mp4

Katrina and Paula are on a boom of emotions when the Doctor and Martha Jones are In space on a collision course for the sun. See as our heroes try to find a way to save themselves and the crew from inevitable doom. Can they do it with only 42 minutes to spare?


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This is the best reaction to this episode I've ever seen. Holy crap.

Steven Cooper

New subscriber here... It's been a long time since I've rewatched the RTD era of the show in depth, and rediscovering the Eccleston and Tennant episodes in the company of two such joyous viewers is just brilliant. I'm looking forward to many more great reactions, particularly since it's just after this point that the show hits a new level in quality, which it would stay at (with the odd exception, of course...) for many years. As for this particular episode, I've always put it in the "good, but not great" basket, but after seeing Paula's reaction I may have to rethink that... Certainly Graeme Harper's direction (helped hugely by Murray Gold pounding away on the soundtrack) gets the absolute maximum out of the script, and seeing the Doctor truly scared of what's happening to him really is unsettling.