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Dr. Lois Lee is the President and Founder of Children of the Night, which intervenes in the lives of children who are enmeshed in sexual exploitation. Children of the Night was first anti-trafficking program to develop specialized programs and education for exploited children and young women. Since 1979, Children of the Night has rescued more than 11,000 American children from prostitution in the United States, and it has a 70% to 80% success rate transitioning children and young women from exploitation to a successful adult life.   

Children of the Night 24/7 Hotline: 800-551-1300  https://www.childrenofthenight.org/ 


twitter: @nick__bryant


Lady Morgana

Thanks again Nick!


Nice interview. I do a lot of fundraising for St. James Infirmary (from Margo St. James) and my friend who is a nurse, volunteers time there. I totally understand her work and feel we could hang out as I have done a ton of community mental health management with young adult / teen orgs. It's interesting about the lack of seeing DID, though. There's quite a lot in youth trafficking from what I have seen. But it's not witnessed. It get's seen as something else. I think that's, in part, due to youth being so chaotic and they are not able to articulate their symptoms well, so they get misdiagnosed. I had to fight to provide a training for an org that worked with trafficking on DID, and once I provided it, it was like a bomb dropped among the clinicians and some of the supervisors. Because it was clear that it was everywhere.