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This week I switched up the animation plan and the animation scene quite a bit! I was planning a situation where you where hiding from Maria, but I decided to change it to a willing scenario where you ask Maria to be swallow you, and she will agree but be embarrassed to do it. 

You can see Maria in the new scene in the image below! This is a screenshot from the tiny's POV perspective from on top of a table. 

I have the animation mostly planned out at this point, and Maria's model/rig is pretty much ready to go, so I expect that I will start animating this week! As a reminder, this is going to be a short one. Probably about one minute long. I am planning to make the animation extra detailed though, so there is that. 

This animation is also going to be a test run for having voices in my animations. I would like to work with voice actresses/actors in the future, but for this one, I am doing the voice acting personally, but with a voice changer. The voice changer actually sounds pretty good, most people probably wouldn't notice unless they were expecting it. 

But in the future it would be great to work with professional VA's. I just need to find some that are willing to work on vore animations. If you know of some good ones from other animations feel free to let me know!

That's all for now! As long as I don't drastically change the plan again, I should have some animation to show next week! Thanks!



Jeshua Paterson

Ooh, nice! I’ll have to admit, with willing prey, head first in Maria’s mouth, I’m going to enjoy this in the future, even though it’s going to be about a minute long. Also, the voice acting in your future animations is going to be really interesting, provided that there are voice actors/actresses willing to work with you for voices of certain characters.