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  • KB WIP 8.mp4




This week I worked on the animation for swallowing the first prey! I am mostly finished working on the animation showing the prey going into the mouth and I will be working on showing Kirie swallow next and then I plan to show an internal view after that!

I have not started on preparing the internal view yet, so I will need to figure out the best way to do that this week!

Just a reminder if you have not read all my WIP posts, I am planning on having one or two more preys after this one in the animation, so there is still alot of work on this animation left!

To see the full WIP video, please use the MEGA link or download the attachment below!





Loving it so far!

kevin rein

very nice so far and i have a small idear for the other prey you planed since she is a vampire how can use magic she kinda dont need to grab them just cast them flying or somethink like this (shoudl be easyer to animate too)


Yea definitely! I had a similar idea earlier since it could make the animation a bit easier and would be an interesting thing to do! If it makes sense for Kirie to do that later in the animation I will definitely consider it!