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  • KB WIP 6.mp4




This week I worked on licking animations for Kirie on the first prey! Kirie gives the prey a couple licks to get a taste of the prey before she will swallow her! 

I will be working on getting the prey into Kirie's mouth for next week! I have a bit of animation for that blocked out already, but its not ready to show yet, so it will be in next weeks WIP. 

The plan is to have Kirie swallow this first prey and then cut to an internal view. There may be an internal shot of her going down the esophagus, but I am definitely planning to show an internal shot of the stomach here and also with the multiple preys in there later as well!

I am considering an idea I had recently, where after Kirie is done with the first prey, she will summon again, but get two preys in rapid succession! She will also swallow them both pretty quickly as well probably to keep the action up. Afterwards she would probably summon and swallow a third one in a bit of a deferent way. Not too sure yet about that, just an idea! 

Anyways, you can view the full WIP video using the MEGA link or by downloading the attachment below!




kevin rein

looks good realy and your plan for it is very nice so take your time even if one week is paused