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  • Maria WIP 6.mp4




I worked on the animation for inside the mouth of Maria this week! Its coming along, but there are still some improvements I want to make!

I also have some of the animation made for going down the throat and esophagus, but I want to update it to make the esophagus expand around you a when you go through it so I didn't include that in this WIP.

Turns out this part was pretty hard to animate well, and I am not quite happy with how it looks yet, so ill be working on it a bit more!

But anyways, I am planning to finish this animation in the next 2-3 weeks. It looks like the full animation will be about 1 min and 15 seconds or so!

See the MEGA link below or view the attachment to see the full WIP video!


Edit: Just noticed Maria's ears glitch out at about 4 seconds into the video. I forgot to bake the physics there lol.



Jeshua Paterson

Well, at least the full animation of Maria eating the viewer is being planned to come a week or two after Easter, so that’s alright. Also, I noticed the glitch with Maria’s… thing as well. LOL And it might have taken weeks between the start of this Maria animation and now, but it seems like I can finally get in her mouth! All that remains is sliding down her esophagus, entering her stomach, and the finishing touches on the animation before it’s done, yeah? Ooh, how exciting! 😁


Idk why, but I keep anticipating the uvula wiggle. I hope the hands touch it etc. XD