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Please use this in at least one image in your store.

Mention @ZOU3D in your social media posts.

Remember that you are responsible for what you sell, so make quality models.

You can use our photos for your ads, but I recommend that you take your own photos, as original photos of your products will guarantee better sales results.

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Love it, will use it. Thanks for it. I always put who designed the models when I put them up for sale. Got to give respect.

William Marshall

I'm working on getting my Etsy account set up, and I will definitely be using these on my page. Thank you so much.

Dennis Crawford

is there a facebook group for the patreon members? would be cool place to share pics


Hey! we're thinking about it, a discord group should also be good. As our community has grown very very fast we are organizing a lot of things 🤣🤣


So happy for the growth of this page!!

Brian York

Thank you for adding these! I'll be adding these to my listings shortly! I agree with @Chris Cowan - I'm very happy for the growth with this page! Keep up the great work!

Gerhard Grobler

Just joined. Uncle Jessie promoted your page all the way to South Africa.


How about a Christmas tree with legs?


do Santa clause


also I love the ghost

William Hargraves

i have a section for each creator seems to work well and shows the different kinds of models on offer that you have in you arsenal of prints

ramon cruz

I printed a bunch of the ghost and jack and left them around the office for holiday funsies, are you planning on doing any other holidays?


Yes, we have ideas for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For Christmas we have lots of cool idea


I made 17 little ghosts and surprised my daughter's 3rd grade class with one each and they absolutely loved them Thank you for such a wonderful design


I gave a keychain to my honorary Grand Daughter, neighbor's girl who gregariously came over and talked to me for about an hour the day/evening we moved to their Alabama neighborhood as we were unloading the moving truck. Been friends with them ever since.