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Hey everybody!

Yay! I just finished rendering the images for two projects which I was working on in the last weeks. The bubbles still need to be made. See the covers above. I will upload the comics by time, after the other running stuff, and hope you will like them. And this brings me straight to:


Generally I started making stuff for my personal fun and because I just liked doing it. But then I found out: to see that there are people out there who also like and enjoy my stuff and having the possibility to share it with them - you! - is so much more fun and gives engergy to go on. I seem to have this in common with other fellow creators. We really like to see that what we do is appreciated. As SturkWurk says: it's our food!

What I also seem to have in common with them right now, is the sadness to see, that feedback is just more than sparse... I know, there are a number of people around here - Patreons and free - which I really appreciate! And I thank every one of you for being here. But sometimes I ask myself: "Do they look at my things, and do they even like it?" My answer is: I really just don't know. I generally have no clue. Mostly there are 1 or 2 likes (Ali and Dedalus: thank you so much for your loyalty! You're the best and I really love you two! I absolutely hope, you will stay with me and like my future stuff.)

But hey, there are more people around! So I see three possibilities: either people really see and enjoy my posts but just don't react, or they see them and truly don't like them, or they just don't look at them. I don't hope the last two are true... Why being here then? 

As I actually have really time consuming workdays in real life, creating stuff takes energy and most of my free time. Time that I also want to share with family and friends, and for other activities. Yes, there's family and different other passions like music. Making music, mostly playing guitar, once was a big help in my life, especially when I had hard times long ago. If you read Metamorphoses, you probably had a short insight in one such episode.

Uh, sorry, now I'm going in the wrong direction... So, I ask myself: is it worth the effort to keep things here running, or should I take it much easier and really only do it for my own fun? For the moment I think, I will continue, because I still like to do it!

But I would really, really be happy to see that this stuff here is seen. Come on: it just takes one click to leave a Like and make me happy. Or if you really don't like it, just tell me why. So I can possibly avoid wasting much time and energy.

Hey, thanks a lot, if you read the whole lament until here, and sorry for it... It got longer than planned... Don't let me bring you down, just because I had a few bad days...

Once more: I love and appreciate you being here and send you all my best wishes!




Okay, so you should do this for fun. If you don't need to monetize your efforts -- like it's a nice thing but not important -- then you could be more casual about the schedule. As a supporter, I appreciate the fact that you provide consistent and predicted content. And your content is good... with particular strengths in POV and your long-form stories. I'm glad you asked for feedback and I'm hoping others will jump in here and add to my thoughts.