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Welcome to a new year! I hope you all had a good start! Don't worry about the picture, this here is not about new year resolutions, it's just about this month's schedule...

  • January 4th      Ways of Love – part 28
  • January 6th      Metamorphoses 3 – Breaking – Part 3
  • January 9th      Straightforward – Part 5
  • January 13th     Metamorphoses 3 – Breaking – Part 4
  • January 16th     Straightforward – Part 6
  • January 20th    Metamorphoses 3 – Breaking – Part 5
  • January 23rd    Straightforward – Part 7
  • January 27th     Metamorphoses 3 – Breaking – Part 6
  • January 30th    Straightforward – Part 8

I once more wish you all a hopefully very good year!



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