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It was yet another boring, uneventful day within the Plains of Ashford. Vhelosa, a Deadeye of the Iron Legion was stationed here, incase the canons needed to be manned. There had been a few attacks by the late Ascalonians, within the plains, and the Legion commanders have every station manned and every village protected by various Legionnaires. Vhelosa, is one of them. However, she stood solitary, watching a small crag that's normally used to transport munitions from one camp to another.

Vhelosa had her eye in her rifle's scope as she traced the trails of the canyon. She wasn't doing this because of her job, she was just simply bored. That's when something unexpected happened. It sounded like glass shattering, followed by a bright flash of yellow light. Vhelosa assumed she was being ambushed, dropped her riffle, pulled out her pistols and pointed both towards the flash of light. It was just bellow her, within the crag. As the light faded, it revealed a singular lone, Kobold, dazed and off balance.

"Not again..." he said under his breath. "I swear, you Faeries have the worst timing!" He nearly shouted.

Vhelosa, with her pistols still drawn called out to him. "No Faeries here, bud. What're you supposed to be? Some sorta mutant Skale"?

Oscar looked around to find the voice. He soon spotted Vhelosa, then spotted her guns. Oscar was quick to shoot his hands up into the air upon seeing them. "No! I-I'm a Kobold. I'm just lost is all! Please lower your weapons."

Vhelosa scratched her forehead with the back of her gun. "Never heard of a Kobold, but it's not on my list of things to kill." Vhelosa puts her guns away. "You must be reeeeeally lost if your in Ashford. This is deep Charr territory." Vhelosa motions for him to approach. Oscar climbs the makeshift scrap iron stairway that leads up to Vhelosa's position. Vhelosa extends one of her large, clawed paws to him. "Name's Vhelosa."

Oscar grabs her hand, careful to avoid her menacing claws. "Uhh, Oscar Thackeray."

Vhelosa's face seems to drop after hearing his name... "Great... another Thackeray. Well, I hope you're not all pretentious prudes."

"Err, Pardon?"

"Nevermind." She says. "Listen, this is a checkpoint, and I gotta do my job. Lot's of people have been tryin' to steal stuff that's pissin' off the ghosts, so I gotta make sure you're clean."

"Well, alright, I suppose." Oscar raises his arms, expecting a pat down.

"Not like that, idiot. You gotta strip down."

"Pardon?" He says again

"Take off your clothes so I can check them for artifacts. Unless you want to turn around an brave the ghost infested wilds." She says callously.

Oscar lets out a sigh, as if knowing how this is going to end up. Oscar unties his robes in a manner that lets the entire outfit slide off of him. His gargantuan cock is on full display for the Charr woman. Vhelosa's eyes widen, and her mouth dropped. She then casually picked Oscar up and slung him over her shoulders. "Forget the search, you're coming with me!" And carried him away.

(Let me know if you find spelling or grammar errors)




More like he's dousing the fire instead. Good show!

b l

> (Let me know if you find spelling or grammar errors) well, paragraph 1: - "incase" -> "in case" - "canons" -> "cannons" - comma after "Ascalonians" is unnecessary - in "Vhelosa, is one of them", the comma is unnecessary p2: - "had her eye in her rifle's scope" -> "watched through her rifle's scope" (not necessarily an error, just never heard it phrased like that) - "riffle" -> "rifle" - "bellow" -> "below" - in "It was just bellow her, within the crag", the comma is unnecessary - "it revealed a singular lone, Kobold" -> "it revealed a singular, lone Kobold" (also "singular" and "lone" are kinda redundant with each other) p3: - "He nearly shouted." -> "he nearly shouted." p4: - should have a comma after "drawn" p6: - the tense changes from this paragraph onwards from past to present ("puts" instead of "put", "motions" instead of "motioned", etc.). should keep it consistent. - "your in Ashford" -> "you're in Ashford" p9: - "Pardon" -> "pardon" p10: - '"Nevermind." She says.' -> '"Never mind, " she says.' - "Lot's" -> "Lots" p13: - "He says again" -> "he says again." (missing period at the end) p14: - "an brave" -> "and brave" (or "an' brave" if you want an accent) p15: - "And carried him away" is a sentence fragment. could have "She carried him away" or "she said before carrying him away"