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Barrett had the honor of meeting up with a friend of a friends band before their performance. They were not local to Crossoville, but were totally willing to endulge in Crossoville's culture. That culture being, not wearing clothes. The singer wasn't as enthusiastic about this idea as the other members, but Barrett assured him that the public wouldn't mind. 

The rest of the band was off stage, preparing themselves for the show, while the singer was making some last minute preparations for the stage. Barrett prodded about why the singer didn't want to perform naked and her gave his answer. He didn't want to pop an erection on stage and have that be a distraction. 

Barret then suggested that he just quickly rubs one out, but the singer declined. His reason was that it'd take to long for him to find a quiet place to stroke it. It'd also take him a while to finish without access to anything erotic. Barret thought he was being unreasonably difficult, so she pushed him on top of a nearby amplifier and commanded him to take off his clothes.




Oh... assertive cutie I see and the delicious messy situation to follow. Good show

Piercing Chill

Starting to become one of my fav OC! keep up the great work!