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Would you GF
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She is GF

Character Name - Olivia Ashlyn

Sex - Female

Species - Robin Harpy

Age - Y Adult

Personality - Olivia comes off as shy and timid to most people. She usually kept her head low and didn’t dare to make eye contact with anyone. However, this is a form of self control for her. She is actually a generous love-bug and easily forms attachments with strangers. Those who know her, know that she can be a bit clingy, yet pleasant to talk with.

Her pleasant tones do come with a snide side though. She often will make disparaging remarks for shock value or comical purposes alone, even if she doesn’t really mean it. She is often seen in the company of men and tends to move from group to group as days go. She also gets protective if any women join the groups. Her personality shifts a bit when hanging out with women.

Her shyness disappears when in the company of women, though this is rare for her. Her snide snarkiness is on full display and she is quick to speak her mind, even get confrontational when in this situation. Whether this is because of discomfort or mere preference, it is unknown.

When alone she can be seen either studying for her college courses in medicine, or working on her hobby gardening. If left alone for too long however, she will quickly become agitated and seek someone to hang around with.

Likes/Dislikes -

Likes - Flowers, Socializing, Being around men, Proving her self sufficiency, Sex

Dislikes - Thoughts of returning home, Giving up, Being alone, being around women

BG/History - Olivia is a college student and part-time pharmacist who lives in Paliawick, a town very close to Crossoville. She spends quite a bit of time studying in medical sciences and working on getting a few degrees in the process. She doesn’t talk to a lot of people about her past, but people have been able to piece together that she moved here against her father’s wishes.

Olivia’s father had always been protective of her and her two brothers. Harpy avians (As opposed to normal avians that have arms) are incredibly rare in this world, and he wanted to 100% ensure their safety and success. However, after being tied down for so long, Olivia left her family as soon as she graduated Highschool. Her father tried his best to convince her otherwise, but she was convinced that she had to make it on her own.

This proved only to be half true. She did end up getting a job and getting into a reasonable college, but she was too used to her overprotective father always shielding her. To compensate, she usually clings to random men for a while before either making friends with them or moving on to someone else. This had become a normal habit for her over time.

Being a Harpy, specifically a Robin Harpy, her grip isn’t very good, and she can’t hold small objects very well. However, her arms are fully articulate, somewhat serving as nubs on normal arms. She does have the ability to fly like most harpy’s, but her bottom heavy figure makes it difficult for her to get any air before she tires herself out.

Family - Geral Ashlyn (Father), Abigail Ashlyn (Mother), Bo Ashlyn (Younger brother), Lee Ashlyn (Youngest Brother)

World - Crossoville

Body - She has large winged arms, for starters. Her grip isn’t very good, and she can’t hold small objects very well. However, her arms are fully articulate, somewhat serving as nubs on normal arms. She does have the ability to fly like most harpy’s, but her bottom heavy figure makes it difficult for her to get any air before she tires herself out. Her plumage is thick all over her wings and tufts across her back.

She has silky black hair with a large, natural red patch of color in it. She has beady black eyes, and white plumage with a large red splotch that covers her chest, down to the top of her inner thigh. The red color is turned back to white at her belly, meeting with the pattern down to her thighs. The thighs themselves are enormous, leading down to her slender, yet firm talons.

Clothing - She typically wears a small apron-like dress that is tied together by a pink sash. How she’s able to tie it, I haven’t quite figured out.

Kinks - Public sex, Meet and Fucks, Call Boys

Sexuality - Cock

Sexual Description - Olivia doesn’t just make these friends for comfort. Sometimes the people she clings to aren’t looking for a friend, and that’s fine by her. Infact, ever since she broke loose from her father, she’s gone on a full on boy-bobbing assault course. Her inhibitions when it comes to sexual advances simply don’t exist, and it helps that she has a very large, pair of round ass cheeks.
