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Character Name: Felix Abernathy

Nickname: Felix

Sex: Male

Species: Rat

Age: 23

General Description:Felix is a meta-scientist that has worked on many projects that have helped him throughout his education. One of his greater projects landed him some generous funding from Miso inc for his work.

The project in question is full digitization, allowing people to enter and traverse digital worlds without the risk of permanent strandings or death, which people before him have failed to do. The most powerful and accurate Digitization Machine belongs to Felix himself, while he allows Miso Inc to use the smaller, safer model for public attraction.

Personality: Felix is a forward and factual person, who approaches situations with rationality and justification. He is confident, but he isn’t obnoxious or forceful. He generally sticks to his work and focuses all his effort into one thing at a time. When he’s not working, you can commonly find him browsing game stores, or books for ideas in his simulated world. The reason he can talk so confidently is because of his multitude of experiences within the digital world


Likes: Technology, Vast Complicated Worlds, Simulation Theory, Talking about work, Miso Inc.,

Dislikes: Monotony, Hyper Realism in Fiction, Blands worlds, Water, Letting others do his work


Felix was always a prodigy in the field of meta-science. From the age of 8, he dedicated his life to breaking the barrier between reality and fiction. When he was 14, his first successful project caught the attention of hundreds of universities. He accepted a place at Extraordinarium College and continued to hone his skills in simulation technology.

At the age of 20 he was hired and fully funded by Miso Inc to create the ultimate Digitization Machine. Many attempts were made before Felix got his hand on the project, but none of them were deemed safe for public use. Felix ended up solving these issues and thanks to him, Miso Inc. has the very first Digitization Machine ready and safe for public use. If you’ve ever wanted to visit your favorite movie or video game, Miso Inc. can now take you there!

Felix also has a second, more powerful, and more realistic Digitization Machine in his personal office. He tests it himself, and uses it on his own time. Remember, transitioning into these worlds means that everything you see, feel and experience feels real to you. You can eat, drink, fight, have sex, feel wet, feel winded, etc. If you die in a simulation however, you are booted back to normal reality, thanks to Felix’s own advances in simulation technology. To activate the machine, all you have to do is step into it, like a portal, and you will be transported to the world of your choice.

Mother: Julia Abernathy: Physicist: At first she didn’t support Felix’s endeavors, because meta-science seemed fake to her. She was glad to be proven wrong.

Father: Maxwell Abernathy: History Professor: After years of work, Maxwell had stockpiled an immense amount of money and was glad to help fund Felix’s projects when he started.

Body: Felix is 4’4” with beige fur, pink eyes, and brown shaggy hair. He is somewhat skinny and doesn't have a lot of muscle.

Clothing: Felix tends to wear what’s comfortable. A puffy black hoodie and soft grey jeans with neon, pixelated patterns on both. He does wear clothes despite being in Crossoville where clothes are optional.

Accessories: Felix has clips on his ears that allow him to attach audio devices to himself. He also keeps his PDA on him attached to his hip by circular chains.

Kinks: Roleplay, Public sex / Exhibitionism, Bigger Subs

Sexuality: 70/30 Bi, female preference. Always top

Genitals: Very large humanoid shaped penis. Enlargement courtesy of Miso Inc. employment.

Sexual Description: His sexual nature depend on if he’s in the real world or not

Simulation: Felix is very straight forward with his sexual advances. If he messes up, he can always just load a save state and try a different method. His barriers are also way lower when in a simulation, so he’s more prone to feeling up / flashing and other direct methods simply because he knows he’s in a virtual world

Real World: Felix learns from his experiences in the virtual world and takes his time to try and figure out a path forward. He sees this as more of a challenge than actually trying to get ass. However, since he also works for Miso Inc, he very rarely faces consequences, so if he wants to, he can just jerk it in public and let people watch. Which he has.



Data Prowler

How do the pants work?


Disappearing furry dick logic Also I drew him with clothes first before I decided on his dick size >.>