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When I started my Patreon in 2017, they didn't have the best setup for organizing posts. The only real thing was to do hashtags. I'm sure you have noticed on some creators pages they have insane amounts of hashtags - which can be just as frustrating as scrolling forever.

In an attempt to remedy this, recently patreon moved hashtags and added a feature called collections to the organizational possibilities for creators.

UNDER the tab on your browser and maybe app, called "Collections" you will find a curated area where you can access content easily.

I have taken to using this on ALL future projects, but have also back logged a few of the previous comics and made a collection for the link to all past comic PDFs (36+ stories - available for the $20 tier). SO - if you do not want to scroll endlessly through my posts, check this area out. The hashtags are also located there too. 

ALSO under the main page, at the top, you can search by file type (images) and date range, to go back and view older content of mine.

I wanted to let you know this information to try to make being a member of my Patreon and accessing content easier for you!

I hope you are all having a great weekend so far!


Stay tuned,





What I don't understand is why previous comics I've seen published since I was a member have now disappeared behind a paywall?


I’m not entirely sure what you mean. All the comic pages get published to the timeline are there to view by anyone who is currently a member. As stated in the tiers upon sign up - rewards packs are available from a members pledge point forward. Meaning - they will receive all the perks of their membership From when they join and continuing as long as they remain a member. There is still an ongoing issue of individuals who come - join on the lowest tier and try to gain access to everything, download etc. and then leave, only having paid $5. My work and the time I put in is worth more than a one time payment or $5. Every single thing I have published (comic pages) is still on my patreon viewable to those who join.