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Finding just the right metal finish for this guy took a decent amount of time. It was a blend of galvanized steel with an added underlayer for the seams. Overall, he is a fun addition to our little cast here!

Colossus BIO:


Piotr Rasputin: 6'6", Colossus: 7'5"


Piotr Rasputin: 250 lbs., Colossus: 500 lbs.

Colossus can convert the tissue of his entire body into an organic, steel-like substance analogous to osmium and carbon steel that grants him superhuman strength (Class 100) and a high degree of imperviousness to injury. His armored form can withstand ballistic penetration, including that of a 110-millimeter Howitzer shell. He can survive a collision with a loaded, one-ton flatbed truck at 100 miles per hour or an explosion of 450 pounds of TNT. He can survive temperatures from 70° Fahrenheit above absolute zero (-390° F) to approximately 9000° F. Colossus’ armored form cannot rust under normal Earth conditions.

Through an act of will, Colossus can transform virtually instantaneously into his armored state with minimal stress on his system due to his excellent physical health. He can remain in this form for an as yet undetermined amount of time. Colossus cannot become partially or selectively armored; his body is either entirely converted or not at all. Even his eyes become steel-like, allowing his eyeballs to withstand and deflect the impact of a .45 caliber bullet. Colossus can remain in his armored form until he wills himself back to normal. However, if he is rendered unconscious, he will spontaneously revert to his normal form.

Once in his armored form, Colossus possesses the same degree of mobility that he does in his normal form, though his endurance and speed are enhanced. He does not need to breathe while transformed, but he is believed to not survive in a vacuum for long.

Colossus is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant who utilizes judo and wrestling techniques. He is also a talented artist, adept in both sketching and painting. His normal lungs can hold his breath for 3.6 minutes.




He looks amazing!!!!! I really hope you are doing Beast too

Austin Miller

Always been my favorite -- well done!