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Ok! *whew* 

Since this story is shorter than most - a large majority of it is actually the muscle growth part. And RATHER THAN split the horniest of it up in different posts, I opted to save it all for one big sha-bang!

Apparently - this idea has hurt me as I lost quite a bit of patronage for the two week pause in posting. Not sure what to do about that. When all is said and done I will have delivered another full comic in LESS THAN a month (as the first post was on January 11)

ANYWAY - thank you to those who have stuck around! You are 

1.) Greatly appreciated and 2.) The reason I get to do this full time and share all the muscle growth ideas that are in my head with you all on such a detailed level.

Later on FRIDAY February 2nd - I will be posting, for $10 tier and up, some important background documentation that I have done concerning the next story.

And then this weekend - I will be posting the first three pages of our next story for everyone!

(Rewards for Pump Room comic will release next week)

Soooo excited to share with you all!





Easily considering this one of my favs from you. Amazing work!


Awesome comic, Each page overloaded the eyes with huge, bulging, shiny muscles. The guy in the yellow posers is simply gorgeous. He the one who stole the show for me.