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I've been working away on the next section of our story; and I'm finding myself in a interesting spot for the update. 

This next section is the full transformation for Davy - and as such, I dont want to try and split it up, but give it to you guys in ALLL its glory,

With that said, I'd like to try and complete the rendering process for the rest of the comic, this week - and have it assembled and to you guys hopefully this weekend or Early next week, with REWARDS packs to follow - WHILE jumping right into our next story!

ANNNND - we also have a third story in the works and lined up!

So LOTS of HORNY content to be coming your way early this year!

More Massive Muscular Growth ahead!





Give me all the symbiote stuff you got!! It’s my fave!! 🥵😍

The Horseman

Makes total sense. I'll be here by the hot tub sipping on a Jack and Coke, listening to Dave Brubeck on the Hi Fi, while thinking how hard you're working.