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I ended up getting snowed in, and delaying my trip home for Christmas (by hopefully just a day) which has allowed me to get the final work done on Deep Sea for you guys!

We have (unfortunately) reached a stopping point for this adventure. I have LOVE love loved making this story for you all - however, even though this story could keep going indefinitely, I feel I am losing creative steam on it. Usually that is a sign I need to table something and move on to a fresh storyline.

SO with that said, I have tied off this story with an open ending - I do love it so much that I'd like to return to it in another form or location and see what happens after they crew has had some time on shore ;)

I have been doing double duty and have been working on the new storyline - So I should have a first post for you, to wet your appetite, later today.

I will be packaging up the rewards for DeepSea and will be delivering those to you, based on your tiers, next week

Thank you sooooo much for your continued support of my work - I am very grateful!


Link to Full Story 



Angelo Brewster

Nice, hope there will be a part 2

Greg Ferguson

Let it simmer. ❤💪🔥🔥🔥