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Here’s some real life muscle growth for everyone that I wanted to share!

I’m currently 14 weeks out from my first show, sitting at 247lbs. The goal is to get down to around 220 on stage in June

These are check in pics for my coach from yesterday.

So stoked for this!

Important side note!!

The new tower came in yesterday and I’m working on transferring files over so I can start using one computer solely to render!

Stay tuned!







That side chest is looking real good! My first show is this summer (terrified!) but I have a ways to go on the thickness front. You're doing great there.

Ferris Ignis

Holy shit dude, looking SO GOOD!!! Woah!!!




Incredible! Great work!


Looking huge! So inspiring!


That is not going to be easy . What is your tips to get the discipline for the diet ? I have good discipline for work out but the hardcore diet is extremely difficult cause you have a lot of factor out of your control and temptation that is difficult .


I’d say - if it’s something you’re really serious about, and a goal you truly want, it helps in motivation. Also, make sure you have a legitimate coach that you report to and who will help you make the changes you need to get to where you need to be. They take the brunt of the “factors out of your control” and know what they need to adjust to make the body respond. My coach is an IFBB pro, but also has his masters of science dietetics. So he knows how and what the body responds to. All this to say - it’s totally doable. Just takes a lot of work


Excellent!!! You should show photos of your change and progress


Holy FUCK!!! Total muscleGOD!! You’re an absolute beast and you’re gonna crush the stage!! Can’t wait to see your tan shredded physique!! Well done

Ethan Potter

Awesome dude! Goals! I’m bulking for competition shape now. 💪💪😍

Nicholas Nostro

What a hulk! You will do great! Thank you for sharing your own muscle growth journey!

The Horseman

You look to be a Endomorph like me. How tall are you? I'm about 5' 9" and competed at 200.


Looks like someone is living the dream!

The Horseman

My only tip on doing the pre contest diet. Ducktape! LOL

B@z Ypsilon

omg you looks better and better 🤤🥰😇


Man you're big