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For every 5 seconds of animation it can take up to 12hrs to render.

IF a video ends up being approx 3 min long - that works out to:

144 hrs per min of animation,

multiplied by 3 minutes, That is

432 hrs of total time rendering.

That ends up being:

18 days worth of non stop rendering (24hr periods).

If I was to divide that into 8hr work days that would equal: 54 days of solid work just letting the computer render.

On top of that there is an inordinate amount of time that is for developing story, designing the sets and characters, and then lighting them.

  • Sculpting and posing characters
  • Post production work
  • Putting the video together
  • Special Effects,
  • Sound Effects,
  • Voice over recording,
  • Soundtracking

All this to say - as a reminder

This last month of development for our new animation is moving along at a pretty good rate

once frames are rendered and scenes can be put together - there will be plenty of updates on where the animation is headed

Thanks for those of you who are sticking with me through development times on a project


Below are some shots of the character I created for the underwear box



HOLY CRAP THAT MODEL IS AMAZING! Thank goodness there aren't many people in my office today... Thank you for all the work that you put into these pieces


I wish you luck


The front-loaded process just means that once you get going, the updates roll out faster and faster, explosive and exponentially bigger each time, swelling with... Wait, what?


Just be glad that you are not living in 1987 I say. The titles for the Doctor Who series that launched that year were the first ever CGI title sequence in British history where some frames took, not the six minutes on average that your frames takes to render, but a full 24 hours to render!


Take your time love. He looks quite great! Also you should come out with an underwear line :)


I love it!! Glad to be here to support you!! So happy with your art!

Ethan Potter

That guy is so gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the transformation. Wish I could become him too. 😍😍😍😍😉


Your work is always well worth the wait!!