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Hello everyone! 

I wanted to check in and throw up a flare to let everyone know that the surgery went very well last Friday. After spending the weekend in the hospital letting the incision drain, they discharged me to go home Monday afternoon. Stitches are slated to come out on the 13th. (I'll Spare you the photos - but my best friend coined the phrase "Frankenpeter" after seeing the incision and stitches 😂)

 For the time being I am staying with family so that they can help with wound care and dressing bandages etc. The surgery was on my left glute, so I'm gonna take it easy for the next couple of days.

"What does this mean for our projects?

Before the surgery I was able to get a large amount of rendering done on our current story - so this week and next I am going to be working on assembling the scenes that were completed and working on special effects etc. I will be making little WIP posts as I move forward on this. Then when I'm back home I will be able to render on my other computer and finish our story!

Thank you sooo much for being patient with me on this one - I can't say that enough. Please know that I will be working hard to keep up and keep producing. It kinda keeps my mind off the pain/frustration of being down from the surgery.

Anyway - Talk soon!




Get well soon, that is the most important right now.


You’ve got this! Soon you will be kicking ass. Here’s to a safe recovery


Hopes for a swift recovery!


take all the time you need to look after yourself. <3