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Hey Everybody! 

I thought it was time I took my character render and made a "Meet the Artist Profile." This one is kind of a work in progress, but this is what I was able to put together for you all at the moment. Hope you enjoy!

WIP posting will be later this evening and then Ill dig in on The Reformation Comic production this week! First Comic post to be next weekend!






Very cool. Nice to get to know the artist behind the work. And so great to have a visual reference. Your physique is incredibly impressive!


Love you and your passion. Your art is incredible, erotic and so talented. Your freedom of expression of yourself in this medium is a treat and blessing to us all. Much love and keep on lifting! 💪💪💪💪


He looks even BIGGER in real life :)

Thomas Polk

Is this you in real life or in virtual reality?


Nice, the muscle behind the muscles, love your work. Wouldn't mind reenacting one your comic with you. You playing the growing muscle god of course. lol