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I’m still working on assembling the next set of pages for our comic and hope to have them for you later this evening. If not tonight. Definitely tomorrow!

In the mean time. Enjoy this image of our favorite prehistoric couple 😉




I like the Fred . I think the face of Barnie is a little off. He might work better more atlhetic and petite to make a nice contrast to the massive bodybuilder that is Fred.


Ironically, I wish you had a skimpier version of their outfits. Like only a little fur is left, and it's barely holding on. ;-P


I get what you mean but Nah. Classic is Classic. Beside with their body type the cloth are just a nice tease. IF those cloth are just an inch shorter we will see the head of their pecker.

Robert June

I agree with you about having a skimpier version of their outfits!