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The finished pages and comic are now uploaded to this thread! I will be taking the next two days to finish packaging up the PDF and other respective rewards based on everyones tiers... should have delivery of those no later than Tuesday evening! AND then I have some new short stories to share with you through the month of December! 

Stay Tuned!

--------Original Post Below--------

After a decent amount of time setting up the scenes, and rendering (only to find out I rendered all the images with the main characters eyebrows turned off 🤦🏻‍♂️) I have re-set, and gotten things back on track. Aside from some buggy issues with the 3D program, we should be cooking this week!

Here is also a link for the original Gym Bros Comic - for context of our continuation. You will also find besides the images IN the post - the images will also be attached TO the post for downloading (incase the browser or app isn't loading)

If you have questions about anything please feel free to shoot me a DM... I try to be as responsive as possible!

Without further adieu:

GYM Bros ii

Initial Posting: 10/17/20

COMPLETED: 11/29/20






I am SO excited to see how this goes!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

David Muscle

Oh this is going to be good!


Will there be more merging? <3

The Horseman

You have my rapt attention.


Wow he just came up called out his dick🤯


I am ABSOLUTELY LOVING the progression of this story! I can’t wait to see how they look combined!!!


*fans self*


No! Come on, one more page! I can't wait

The Horseman

Your like those shows on cable that are about to reveal everything and then go to commercial, making you wait. LOL


mm where is this going?


Any update??????????


The “exact date” is a goal - the scene set ups and render times vary depending on a lot of criteria in the computer - merging characters is more difficult than other “muscle growth” scenes - I try to have updates done weekly. Sometimes - it overshoots and I end up rendering more then initially thought and I make a larger post following the date listed. Your patience is appreciated


The scenes and postings are dictated by a particular story I’m following. Sometimes scenes take longer to assemble. I am working on making sure I have all the images to put together a given scene. Merging two 3D characters is more difficult than general muscle growth. I’m trying to get the updated done as soon as possible.


Wow that monsters pecs and nipples prefect!


Damn! Is this one more for the merging party? Or, two if the janitor gets involved? ...but he sounds as if he's seen this happen before...