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I wanted to take a moment to address and issue that is currently effecting my lively hood, and I'm not sure quite what to say...

I have had several people leave sponsor ship this last month and their reason for leaving was that "The App Sucks..." or "I can't view the images" etc. 

I need to make 2 things very clear, 1. THE APP does suck and 2. I have no control over this.

Firstly, The app really should ONLY be used as a means of receiving notification about posts from creators. From there, please please please go check posts from a browser on computer or tablet... hell even the browser on the cell phone works better then the damn app. 

My image sizes are wellll below the 256mb range that Patreon gives for posting (most of my images are sub 6mb) so I have no idea whyyy they don't load or have such issue loading. 

Secondly, like I said above - I have no control over the app and its short comings and I feel very frustrated as literally my lively hood is being effected by people getting frustrated and leaving. 

From here on out - as the comic develops, I will also be attaching the images to the said post (located at the bottom of the post next to the attachments icon) from here, you should be able to download the images so you don't have to struggle seeing them in the app or browser even. 

Lastly, if you have issues with something - please don't throw your hands up and just leave. Most times, a simple message to me can alleviate most, if not all issues with being able to view a particular post etc. 

Ok... that's all, I need to keep my Monday musings to a minimum here... I am going to be working on rendering frames for the comic today and tomorrow, Hopefully to assemble and have something to post by Wednesday or Thursday evening for you all.

Thank you again for all of your support and putting up with the difficulties of the app and UI... it means the world to me!



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