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Hey All,

This post is where I will be showcasing the development for the next comic. This includes character test renders as well as set render tests (environment that the comic takes place in) etc. leading up to the production of the actual comic.

Normally this space is reserved for those in the $10 tier and above, but for this first posting today - I am making it available for all patrons, until it is updated once again.

As stated in an earlier post this week, I am going to be doing more of a short story this go around to give a breather from the last larrrrge comic. It is going to be a part ii of a previous short story I did a year ago February called "Gym Bros." 

The story will continue allllmost where the first iteration left off. You will find the PDF to the original story HERE 

Being that this takes place in a gym the characters you will be seeing test renders of - are already somewhat built... but as we well know in The World of Gym Junkie - being big to start isn't ever big enough 😏

(best viewed on laptop or tablet - files attached for download to view in full) More updates to come soon!

LATEST UPDATE: GymBrosii - Gym Set up

I am putting finishing touches on this set im building and will be starting into the story this week and will have a post for you all next week!

The Next Character - being a GymBro, is a very similar build, but he is somewhat leaner and thinner than Adam...



Thomas Polk

He's great but what happened to Gymbro1 and Gymbro2?


File names. Not corresponding to actual things I’m gonna use. Remember these are test renders that I’m showing. The first two iterations were not usable. 😊👍🏻

Thomas Polk

Got it. Thank you.


Great job with the new characters. Very impressive!