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Well... I'm cranking em out as fast as I can - I was hoping to have the last and final update to you all today, as it is Sunday and we are SOOOO Close...lol.

But alas, as Sunday comes to a close, I am still assembling pages..🤦🏻‍♂️. 

I wanted to at least post what I have finished thus far as the second update this week. 

I am going to continue rendering/assembling the rest of the story, and then will package up rewards as planned and have the PDF along with all the other rewards (based on tiers) to you buy EOD on 9/2/20

For now though, you can view the rewards here and on the thread with the whole story  as well as at the Dropbox Link 

ONE more growth sequence coming up! (and small epilogue to follow😈)






Quality over time any time 😁😁

The Horseman

Then there's that nasty little bug called 'RL'.


This was great! I’ve really been enjoying the whole series. The original story was one of my earliest favorites. I hope we’ll get to see some action involving Jon as well. He is really hot! The changes to Brandon have been amazing as well. I especially have been enjoying the increasing masculinization of his facial features.