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Hello Everyone!

Well - the stars have aligned in just the right way - and I am happy to announce that I will be moving to do my artwork and graphic design FULL time by the end of JULY!

This is a full two months ahead of the initial time table that I gave myself back in May (I had initially planed on being independent, finances willing, by the end of September)

I spoke with my current employer and we are making moves to phase me out from my current management position by the end of this month. 

It is a huge milestone and decision for me to go this route. I never thought when I started this adventure back in 2017 that it would become everything that it has for me and you guys!

I want to say a huge thank you to all of you who have helped make this a possibility for me by continuing to support my little muscle growth art projects. It means the world to me.

For the remainder of July I will keep working as I can on the current comic and projects we have going (while I finish up at my day job) - and then as we enter August, and I am able to retool to work more steadily on our Patreon projects, you will see more productivity and faster rewards delivery from me.

I also will be able to pursue other avenues with you as my patrons - possibly some live streaming and or video updates from me. Also - More work towards the interactive MG story game idea I put out a couple months back.


All in all this is going to be a new adventure for me and I am super stoked! 

Hang tight with me if you're able, I promise I won't disappoint when I can devote most of my time to these stories!

Thank you all so very much!

Pete (GymJunkie)




WOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Congratulations!!!


That is wonderful news and I hope that it leads to employment in an industry that you enjoy








This is great news!!! Congratulations on reaching your goal. I look forward to the future.


That’s fantastic! Can’t wait to see!


Awesome big man. Congrats

The Horseman

Not many of us get to live our dreams. Impressive that your willing to give up the security of a regular job and take the gamble and do what makes you happy. Kudos,


Congrats big guy :)


congrats!! you put out such amazing work, with such consistency, its no wonder you're going to be able to do what you love AND support yourself while doing it! its the artist's dream come true! and, well deserved! keep up the great work!