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Hello All!

I hope everyone is doing well! 

I delivered rewards packs last week to current members as of last Wednesday.

Since then I have been editing the next story, and getting it better suited for more of a comic/screenplay layout - ie: making it more concise.

This week I will be working on rendering and laying out the first couple pages, and I will begin my weekly posting of the new comic starting on Sunday April 27th.

From there we will be in the deep dive of this new FanTCMan inspired story! (buckle up 😈)

IN the meantime - here is something I did over the past couple of days in what I call my creative "purge." A time that I basically just create random stuff and get some creative juices going - outside of the comic and or specifically muscle growth. sometimes this results in NOTHING, sometimes it results in some neat "one shot" images, and SOMETIMES, it spurs me on into other thoughts concerning a new story line.

A little bit of all of that happened over the last 5 or so days... the picture above is a one shot; my take on Disneys Tarzan. There are some other stories brewing in my head from this process, and those will be released in due time.

Im looking forward to this new story and sharing it with you all.

Once again - thank you so very much for your support! 

I was recently furloughed from my job last week and this is now my only supporting income, so every little bit that you guys give me is going to help tremendously!

I appreciate each and every one of you!

Talk soon!





So which story are you inspired by? Asking for my conjoined twin friend...

Darien Lee

I hope this Tarzan dude goes somewhere


Another amazing creation. Even thought it's just the background, the detail you've put into the jungle is fantastic. I think I can say for all of us that we are very excited about what's to come!


Can’t wait!