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Here is where the BTS development of The Gates of Babylon will be posted.

Here is the updated versions of our main characters, as well as some PreVis on the locations that will be featured in the story. At the bottom you will find a rough outline of the story. 

Let me know whatcha think!

Initial Posting: 12/20/19

UPDATED 01/12/20: See Below

Story Description: Two 18 Year olds sneak into a gay bar with lasting consequences...

Meet Connor and Taylor - the stars of our next story!


General Story Outline: ROUGH draft

Connor is visiting his friend Taylor, at his new apartment in the city, as they get ready to go for their freshman year of college. 

In the first part of our story we find them discussing what they should do over the weekend. Taylor, being the wilder of the two, is trying to convince Connor to take the fake ids he had made, and try to get into what is said to be one of the cooler gay night clubs in town.

After much debate - Taylor convinces Connor and they decide to go.

The Club is in a shadier end of town, but when they finally make it past the Guard with their fakes, they find that this club is unlike anything they have ever heard of. Even though it is in a shady part of town - the inside of the club is ALL high class. They stand in awe, and decide to approach the bar.

Taylor makes his drink order, and Connor tries to order a drink as well. Completely botching calling the drink to the bartender it is a dead give away that he doesn't know what he's talking about. 

The bartender graciously acknowledges and walks away to get their drinks.

He leaves from behind the counter and heads up to a VIP area, where it appears the Owner or some big wig is hanging out.

The bartender comes back to them, and says Mr. Russo would like to see them...

They slowly walk towards the VIP area, passing Male GOGO dancers and other security detail. They enter to find Mr. Russo Sitting on a couch with other dancers seated around him... 

Mr Russo says that he had noticed them when they came in, and didn't recognize them as any of his regular clientele. (they begin to get uptight as they assume he knows they are under age) Mr. Russo senses this and puts them at ease - 

"I used to be young and crazy once boys, don't sweat this one time - have your fun tonight, and we will see you back in here when you turn 21... Miguel at the bar has been instructed that drinks are on the house this evening, if you need anything - you let me know."

Amazed that he didn't kick him out, they look over to the bar to see Miguel waiting there with two drinks - a bright green apple martini for Taylor, and a rich brown Scotch for Connor - mostly per their request from before.

They go several rounds, Miguel preparing more drinks each time for them, always glancing up to Mr. Russo for approval as he slides them to the boys...

They become more inebriated and Taylor begins to complain that he is getting hot and needs to go to the restroom... Connor agrees decides to head off with him.

Entering the restroom, they are sweating profusely. After pealing their off clothes they stand  naked staring at each other.

Connor keels over in pain and groans that his whole body is tight and it hurts.He screams out in pain and starts to get hard. Hair begins to sprout across his body and his light stubble begins to fill in as an actual beard. 

Taylor acknowledges Connor's pain, and exclaims that his body is also feeling tight, but that it feels good, arousing almost - as he begins to get hard he begins to rub his muscles and feel them grow in his hand...

More to come story wise - I mayyyy save it for the comic reveal. but now all of you  will know where im headed with this storyline. 

More images of PreVis to come this weekend!



Damn the blond one is hot, i would love to know him better😏

The Horseman

I like your story outline. Very detailed and thought out.