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I have a couple NEW Story Ideas marinating and I want your opinion on which way we should go!

I will be posting an update to the Polo Story later this evening (I am still wrapping up rendering and finishing the pages in photoshop) But in the meantime, PLEASE participate in this pole!

Hearing from you on which way we should go is very important to me! 

Check out the options below, and let me know:



Did you ever do that Harry Potter story? Was really looking forward to it but i might have missed it


Ran into some plot problems as well as my computer crashing and didn't continue development on it... as I lost the models I had started developing - IF I can find a strong HP fan fiction to base if off of I may return to that idea.


If the herd story is based on the Belgian blue story then I already love it.


I almost want to make dozens of dummy accounts to make this happen. (ノ°Д°)ノ @denizen


Can we try again on "The Herd"?