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Updated NOVEMBER 8th

(FROM ORIGINAL POSTING ON NOV 7) This post will be where I post the Work in Progress and PreVis content for The Polo Club Comic. When I make a new post in this section there is a liiiiiitle check mark box for me that says - "notify patrons of this change;" I will click that and It should send out an email letting all those who have access that there is new content. I will also have an "Updated" date ticker in the title so when you check back you can see when I last posted here. 

This is where the development of the content for the story takes place and you'll get to watch it all come together!

So.... With out further adieu, Here is the first WIP image for "The Polo Club," setting the stage for our comic - George Halston University, an Ivy League school in Massachusetts. 

I have adjusted the story somewhat to keep things fresh. Stay tuned for more coming tomorrow!

Start New (11/8) Content HERE:

Here are some of the Interiors of the university that will be used in the comic.

The Polo Fraternity Common Room

If you proceed strait through the common room (where all the frat guys hangout and talk about muscle and flex) You will come to a double door way leading into an old Library that was part of their building. The Polo Guys have converted it - to a gym of course. All your basic lifts in here to get huge - bench press, preacher curls and squat racks; don't forget the dumbbells. The majority of the book shelves have been covered over by - mirrors of course!

Next we have the star of this episode of the Polo club... Travis

And his Best Friend Justin

Along with their mutual friend and recent Polo Frat Inductee - Tyler

and last (for now) but not least... The head of the Polo Frat, and varsity lacrosse captain - Tucker.

Here we see the boiler room beneath Fraternity where all the pledges go through their initiation into the the club...

More to come soon!


The Horseman

I need give up weights and take up Polo and LaCrosse.