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Happy Monday ALL! 

Part of being my patron is being able to see any and mostly all things that I am working on. Not only a current comic book project (which can take time) - but also sometimes everyone, and definitely higher tier members get to see work in progress, as well as random stuff that I do to work towards developing new content down the line. 

I run the Patreon page as a literal subscription service to give patrons a glimpse into the creation process as well as getting finished rewards packs upon the completion of a given project. 

As I have seen over the past couple months, people have become impatient with the work I am doing, as they are not "seeing" progress on a given storyline or set of images in a timeline that they imagine in their minds. 

I have said it before and Ill say it again - I am a one man shop. I develop or source most of my stories, and make them work within this genere. I plan out said stories, come up with story boards if need be, write scripts of the story outline (for dialogue between characters) and then  develop the actual models, textures, scenes etc etc etc. 

Nothing I use is ever really an "out of the box 3d model," My detail oriented OCD won't let me do that. Everything about GymJunkieMuscle Comics is custom. From my take on Batman, and Nighwing, to developing other original characters. 

All that to say - A LOT is going on in this Patreon Shop on its own - not to mention in real life. It is fun, challenging, and exhausting all at the same time. And I want thank you all for supporting my work!

As with the afore mentioned, I develop months ahead of where I'm at in the present. If I have an idea, I will run some tests to even see if it is feasible to create that idea. "Will the characters work?" "Can I do the sets?" "Can I make the right costumes?" nothing is ever "by the seat of my pants." If I can't do it right for me, then its not right for all of you.

Over the last week my Trekkie side was showing and I became obsessed with a story Idea (which I will publish soon 😉) This lead me to see if I could develop characters, uniforms, and.... *wince* a ship. 

Below you will see my attempt at the sets (as you have already seen the character ideas - which I would call successful) 

If these below images are any indication - I think.... we may have a very good story line ahead. 

For now though - ALL of you can enjoy this PreVis (usually reserved for my $10 patrons and above)

I would like to introduce you to the latest Sovereign Class ship ( in my storyline) The Valiant.

(this image is a composite of my 3d rendering of the ship, placed into an artists rendering of space)

Here is the custom bridge I was able to come up with... ( there aren't any good canon bridges available out there to purchase that won't break the bank)

Talk soon! 



Robert Poer

Looks like STO but better!

The Horseman

Looks like it might be time for me to put on my Trekkie shirt. Ha, ha.


Mmhmm! I poured over lots and lots of content this weekend to come up with my look. Overall I’m happy with the set. It feels Trek-ish enough for me. Lol. The control surfaces help get it there.

Thomas Polk

Love the detail!