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Just putting out a reminder about rewards packs during the middle of a Comic Story:

Final Rewards packs - Those that are delivered with specific tier rewards (such as things outside of just the comic pages or PDFs -  usually those in the $10,$20 & $50 Tiers) are delivered upon completion of a particular storyline/comic. 

During the process of making the comic - all rendering time is focused on making the comic, and upon completion of the comic - the rest of the rewards are finished.

This Batman Comic has taken me a lot longer then I anticipated as real life got in the way the past couple months with work etc.  (this was something I could not have anticipated).  I am finally getting my groove back (just like Stella) and should be wrapping up here in the next couple weeks and getting packs out to everyone. The Goal is to be done by mid OCT so I can start in on another story that has been waiting in the wings.

Ill keep delivering pages to the blog over the next days and weeks so stay tuned to keep seeing story progression




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