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There has been some confusion and reaction to how rewards are processed and distributed this past month, so I want to make a post outlining that as an FYI to new GymJunkie Family as well as a refresher to those who may have been here a while and just don't visit the blog that often.

Rewards aren’t solely posted to the patreon blog per each rewards tier.

I try to post regular updates to the given comic that I am working on - so that people can see and view the process. According to some - I am more active on my blog with posting than most artists that they follow...

These postings can include Higher Tier rewards  - HOWEVER, most of the time, higher tier rewards are issued via the Download only (upon completion of a comic or project)

Due to the nature of single handedly sourcing stories or writing them myself, creating scripts from said stories, coming up with the look, designing characters, setting scenes, rendering said scenes, and then putting together the actual comic - it can take more than one month to produce a finished work. 

So as best as I can think to describe it, I would recommended thinking of sponsorship of my page through the lens of a continuing subscription or membership - where your sponsorship doesn't just pay for one item, but rather funding to pay for the entire creation and process of a given project.

I apologize if that wasn't understood when pledging initially. I try to produce quality niche MG content and that can take time.

Currently Discouraged Artist,



The Horseman

I appreciate the clarification. Now put down the game controller and get back to work! Ha, ha.


Keep up the great work GJ. Don’t let the little stuff get you down!


Okay, GJ is probably one of the hardest working artists I know. He is absolutely devoted to his work. He isn’t wasting time playing video games. This guy works a hard day job, full time. His off time is literally spent making art. The only breaks he gives himself are usually to cook and lift. He’s devoted to his patrons, and goes above and beyond to keep us updated on his progress. Yes, I’ve followed artists who waste tremendous amounts of time gaming, and sleeping; this guy is certainly not one of them. His stories are incredibly sophisticated, his art is detailed and the end result is a product that is much higher quality than anyone I know writing musclegrowth comics. GJ is one of the most gifted people I know, and he shares those gifts with all of us. I feel somewhat qualified enough to say that industrious doesn’t even begin to describe GJ’s hard-working character.

The Horseman

I do think GJ does a fantastic job, I've said so in previous comments. My previous comment was a humorous way of saying so. I wouldn't be spending my hard earn money supporting his art.

Thomas Polk

I’m surprised someone complained. You do a great job with at that requires a great amount of work. Don’t be discouraged. You’re doing great.

Tom S

GJ does a fantastic job. Always sends a message when he wants to finish a comic before sending rewards and is amazing at what he does


Don't be discouraged. You are better than most with the postings. Honestly, you produce more quality work than other artists here. Not everything in art can be distilled down to numbers for a particular time frame .


I agree with the other comments - your work is worth the wait. Keep up the great work and Thank you.