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My mind is ALWAYS going... And one of the stories that I would like to do, would definitely be a period piece in Ancient Greece. Im just having trouble finding a story I like, or a solid idea that I could write my own off of. 


In the mean time - enjoy this ADHD image that I needed to make, to work the thoughts out in my head. lol 

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funny enough, I was watching something on the original Rygar for the NES and remembered the 2007 remake looked pretty good. could use more mass to throw that shield farther though. https://www.technobuffalo.com/playstation-2-classic-of-the-week-rygar-the-legendary-adventure


He’s absolutely perfect. Wow.

Thomas Polk

Would enjoy the classics very much. There’s always the Spartan angle of warrior lovers captured or more in your wheelhouse, in the vein of 300, Greeks getting captured and tortured by Xerxes!!

Robert Poer

it's just me or is the pictures seriously pixelated which full screen?