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Little update on this months comic... 

I have had a few setbacks this week; the head gasket on my car blew 😔 and today I will be dealing with getting it towed into a shop to see how much damage is done. General estimate from just talking to the guy was quite a bit ( upwards of $1500 ). 

I did however get the next pages added (11-12) - and will be working on the growth sequence this weekend for you all. I probably will wrap everything up here in the comic week, and then have rewards out to you soon.  (New Pages Added 3/29)



I realy like your comics, but when are you going to contiue the aliën cmic


Yea I want to return to it. But it ran out of steam for me and I needed to table it because the creative process came to a halt in my mind. I see it as a HUGE saga beyond just what happens to the 4 people. For my sanity though It needed to rest.