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Heres a little taste of what's coming up in the next MG story! 

Think 1939-40 Capt. America Prequel (Steve Rogers got his powers in 1941) meets the Overlord movie (Minus actual ZOMBIES)




The Horseman

GJ, how do I access all of the old comics you have completed without having to scroll through the posts? Also, any plans to finish the "Alien"? So far I'm pleased with the work you are doing. JD


JackDog, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my work thus far :) When it comes to past files that aren’t available in the patreon feed, the Platinum Tier ($20 level) permits 1 past download link per month as well as other rewards besides just current finished products. (Feel free to Take a look at all the rewards included on each tier to see what else is offered there) Otherwise rewards are pledge point forward Because I have that reward (past download) listed as part of a higher tier, I’m fairly strict about releasing things otherwise - so as to not diminish the value for those patrons paying the higher Amts. however - I have thought about making the comics available in a bundle purchase here coming up. So stay tuned for that. It may be something you want to do also. Thank you again for your current pledge! I’m looking forward to keeping these Muscle Comics going! -GJ

The Horseman

If I upgrade to the next level would that allow me review the previous comics and I would be willing to pay extra for a bundle of all comics created since new.


Yum - as a boy, I had the very comic book in which Steve Rogers transformed into Captain America. . . . can't tell you just how shudderingly erotic that scene was. Can't wait to see it!


The two things I gotta point out is: 1) I don't think the hand gun is period accurate... (Not sure, but when your brother is a WWII re-enactor, you pick up some things...) 2) He looks awfully Asian in the eyes... I am looking forward to this story though.


The weapon is a free 3D colt 1911 hand gun object that I used - which is period accurate, even though it’s not the best model. As far as the the character model, he looks “Asian”because he’s squinting/yelling. All this to say that this was a fun promo image I did just as a teaser for the comic.