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(Updated Monday Feb 25 - Page 4 added)

You all know how much time I take planning, and how... particular I am in making sure I deliver  a SOLID story as well as imagery to go along with it. 

It is something that I take great pride in, as it sets my work apart from other 3D and muscle growth artists out there. There is a lot invested into every single render and page and I think it shows. 

Well, this month I have hit somewhat of a snag... I spent A LOT of time developing and hashing out the Harry Potter story (as a potterphile myself, I want to get it right). 

But that time spent creating story is time not spent rendering. As it turns out - story, and how to show it - are two completely different things. So while I was writing and dialoguing - I thought it would be good to catch up on a few Commissions that I had taken on back in December, when I was knee deep in the Pollination story, and needed to get done.

HOWEVER! It just so happens that the patron who commissioned a short growth story, has graciously let me post to you guys for this months rewards packs... So no one will go a way empty handed! The packages this month will include this short growth story, as well as the beginnings of the HP stuff - for those with qualifying rewards packs.

Bottom line - It may be a little different than the norm this month, But everything is gonna workout, while Harry and his magical world - will be returning next month!

Meet Matt and Elijah, They are two college "Gym Bros" who would do ANYTHING to get BIGGER! Here is their character sheet and the first two pages of their story...



This is going to be GOOD!


Great start


I love this!

The Horseman

Love it, I was reading a great story called "Musglove Texas on Metabods. If you haven't read it I think it would make a great comic for you create.


so hot!

