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I have been wanting to do a Harry Potter style fan fiction that includes magic and muscle growth; plus I had designed a Harry model back in October, that I would like to get some more use out of...lol. 

This is an open call for stories about muscle growth that are caused by magic - they can directly be about Harry Potter, or easily be reworked in to fit with Harry, Ron and Malfoy etc... Post your ideas, or story links below! 

Note on Rewards packs: Patreon is having some major issues with processing right now - But I am on schedule to send everything out to you guys tomorrow regardless. I just have gotten excited about this idea and needed to post now

-GJ ⚡️



Maybe Harry and Malloy try to outmuscle each other...Musculo Maximo!


How about some wizards are trying to infiltrate a bodybuilding competition? And so they make a polyjuice potion with various bodybuilders’ hairs? But, someone mischievous interferes and either starts mixing the potions together (so that people transform into a mix between some of the bodybuilders) or maybe secretly adds something like steroids or supplements (or even hair growth tonics) to the potions so that when the wizards drink it they outgrow the original bodybuilders in muscle and/or hairyness.


I love the idea of guys morphing into and taking the appearance of other more muscular guys but even taking it a step further and sometimes even outgrowing/outperforming the person that they’re morphing into.


What if they are "linked" during a PNP hookup? That could be a way to incorporate the "polyjuice". or a mind control spell???

Nick Whitter

It’s the 5 year Hogwarts reunion, and Harry and Ron are wandering the old hallways of the school when they come across the Room of Requirement. Curious as always, they enter the room and come across… a gym? Realizing that magic might not be enough to keep them healthy forever, they decide to give the muggle method a shot. But this isn’t a muggle gym, and the enchanted equipment has a way of being extra effective. Our two protagonists realize this quickly, but does it stop them, or spur them on? The Room of Requirement only appears to those who are in need. The question is, did it appear for Ron or Harry, and what is the need when it’s a gym that appears?

Rob Kottenbrock

Voldemort has a muscle wasting spell so the wizards need to muscle up. But the potion requires ones own semen and that of a muscular person.


The Mirror of Erised is supposed to show the "deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts" when you look into it. Sometimes, it's a surprising result. Maybe Harry/Ron/Malfoy (whoever), look into it to see their massive forms staring back at them. Or maybe they're on each other like this: <a href="https://imgur.com/eFvhb3D" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/eFvhb3D</a> Anyway, something goes wrong, and their clothes start getting tighter, and real bodies slowly start to grow...


forced muscle growth is always hot... just sayin' Especially when the person being forced "grows" to love it :)


What if Malfoy spikes Harry and Rons food with a muscle growth and/or mind control potion to replace Goyle and Crabbe as his beefy bodyguards. Based on a fanfic i'm not done writing XD


I kinda love a good muscle theft story… What if the more you use magic, the more you grow and you can start taking from other magicians and become even more potent and powerful. Of course, a good protagonist that wants to counter the "vilain" is in order. Only to have him become even more addicted to growing and takes is even further than the first wizard…