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I wanted to give a shoutout to my boyfriend on here - as he is also producing some neat 3D homoerotic artwork. Not the same muscle stuff as me, but still very artistic, pretty cool, and sexy none the less! 

If you are so inclined go visit his page and if possible help support him as well - he would greatly appreciate it!






Thomas Polk

Thank you for bringing Xander up. I love his work and have been following him on Patreon but hadn't pledged until you reminded me now. He seems reluctant to draw the XXX stuff but I'll keep my eyes open.


Yeah! No problem. I wanted to promote my boyfriends page :) as far as the XXX content. It’s not an aversion, but rather his focus being more on the beauty of the male form, rather than blatant sexual content. More eluding than showing etc. although I do believe he has NSFW content available for people who pledge. 👍🏻