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Here are the next couple pages of the comic (15-17). I plan on finishing this up this weekend and having all the rewards packaged up for you guys Sunday or Monday. 

Holiday here in the states (Thanksgiving) kinda got me a little behind. Here is where the growth actually starts - and there is more coming as well!



Hell yea grow this is so hot. I love to have this happen to me!


OK, I think that his head and face already look perfect! He's so cute! I hope he gets to keep all of his hair. I'm also pretty sure that he's going to get bigger, which I'm looking forward to, but damn those tight clothes are hot!! I hope we get a good full body view of all the awesome changes he's gone through before he tears right out of those flimsy pieces of fabric. LOL


Oh you're on the right track here - I wanted the character to make those changes but still keep the cute look under all the ruggedness 😁 and there is definitely more in store for this growth sequence... Working on it through today tomorrow and the weekend 👍🏻 I felt the source material lended to more closeups and subtle growth at first, building to a BIG reveal (Pun Intended) 😈😈 Stay tuned!