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Last year I did classic Hollywood Muscle monsters. What kind of Halloween themed Muscle would you guys like to see this year for October??? Have a story idea? Please share. Have some Halloween themed characters? Share your thoughts. Everyone has a seat at the table this month and I want to hear from you!
I will take the top ones that I like and create a poll for us to make the final decisions with.
Let me know so I can start planning!
This is gonna be some spooky fun!



Kalos Kiryu

Maybe tons of guys dressed up as the characters from overwatch?


How about a buff and hung Pryo Jack/Jack-O-lantern from the Shin Megami tensei large list of demons? :O I drew him a buff stud for last year. :3


Few Ideas: 1) Some normal guys become the costumes they put on? He-Man, Juggernaut, etc.? 2)Witch (Worlock) Curse that gives a guy too much of what he wants, to be the biggest guy around 3) Sexy Gay Couples in Costume


Uuuuum, monster ideas: - Werewolves (teen muscle growth scenario?), vampires (muscle theft?), muscle slime (like from the Goosebumps series), DBZ muscle growth, muscle growth (Venom or Bane), anything Virgil's Divine Comedy. I was gonna suggest Aliens, but you're already working on something related (keep up the fantastic work!).


I like Perfectchaos's idea for the curse, to much of what he wants. Or the "Nightmare On Bulk Street" idea. I like the vampire theft idea, and the teen wolf... Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Maybe a Halloween prank gone bad. (Will have to think on that one...) Gym Muscle Zombies (Not really dead, just all about the Gaaaainze!), or a Thriller aerobics video. Frankenstein pumps electricity into a new monster (Or a teen 'volunteer') that gets beefier the more electricity it absorbs. "Night of the Walking Cocks! It's a Hyper Infection, and YOU'RE NEXT!" I'll keep brainstorming. ^_^


Muscle were wolf transformation??


How about a very muscular, sexy, but still scary green Orc? With a rear view of a bubble butt and of course a large phallic member.🤗🤗🤗


Trick or treats: A guy who doesn’t give treats adds like 10 pounds raw muscle mass every kid he denies until he explodes out of his house