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The discovery of the Egyptian Shrine to the god of Fertility - MIN. Nothing crazy would happen if he went inside, now would it?

Musings/mockups on ideas for stories down the road

Min, in ancient Egyptian religion, a god of fertility and harvest, embodiment of the masculine principle; he was also worshipped as the Lord of the Eastern Desert. His cult originated in predynastic times (4th millennium BCE). Min was represented with phallus erect, a flail in his raised right hand. His cult was strongest in Coptos and Akhmīm (Panopolis), where in his honour great festivals were held celebrating his “coming forth,” with public processions and presentation of offerings.

Cult and worship in the predynastic period, surrounding a fertility god, were based upon the fetish of fossilized belemnite. Later symbols widely used were the white bull, a barbed arrow, and a bed of lettuce that the Egyptians believed to be an aphrodisiac. Egyptian lettuce was tall, straight, and released a milk-like sap when rubbed, characteristics superficially similar to the penis. Egyptians sacrificially offered lettuce to the god, and then men ate it to achieve potency.




Ooooh excited to see where this leads! ^_^


Great story premise indeed